Monday 22 August 2011

Euro Millions Online

The way to play Euro Millions Lottery is to play online.  For a while I was skeptical, but I am a complete convert now. No more waiting in cues at the corner shop, no more losing my ticket or finding it scrunched up and illegible in washed trousers, no more forgetting to check my results.  Euro Millions Lottery online takes away all these concerns, and they notify me immediately when I have any winnings!

Comprehensive details on playing Euro Millions online can be found at, as well as a host of other information such as EuroMillions history, trends, news, and the latest results.  Oh, and of course, access to buying lottery tickets online as well!

Monday 8 August 2011

Still Depressed about not Winning

Oh, I am still down that I did not win that massive record breaking jackpot of a few weeks back on the Euro Millions Lottery. Couldn't I be the adoptive love child of Colin and Chris Weir? So many records were broken in just that horrifying instant on Tuesday the 12th of July, 2011:
  1. Largest Ever Euro Millions Lottery  Jackpot in Euros
  2. Largest Ever Euro Millions Lottery Jackpot in Pounds Sterling
  3. Largest Ever Individual Euro Millions Jackpot Winner
  4. Largest Ever Individual Euro Millions Jackpot Winner in the UK
I got a couple of the numbers, but not all of them, obviously.  This Euro Millions Lottery has me hooked though, it is really a lot of fun, and though I do really hope to win it big one day, currently I win enough to make it worth my while.   And watching the draws live on TV or on the Web is more fun than my typical boring nights in front of some poor 90's re-run, tube of pringles and a cold six pack.  So Im in it for the long haul.

Monday 23 May 2011

Did you win this week's Euro Millions Lottery?

Last Friday's Euro Millions Lottery jackpot was one by a single winning ticket!  I've checked, and unfortunately I did not win. But maybe it's you!  So many thousands of lottery players miss out on their prizes because they simply forget to check their results. I urge you to check your lottery results - it's quick and easy and you have to do it within 180 or you loose out!